According to the Drik Panchang, the auspicious time for performing Lakshmi Puja on Diwali is scheduled from 5:39 pm to 7:35 pm. Diwali, the main festive day, is when people engage in the worship of Goddess Lakshmi. The primary celebration of Diwali unfolds on this day. City-wise Lakshmi puja muhurat New Delhi: 5:32 pm to 8:00 pm


11/11/20234 मिनट पढ़ें

DAY 1- Dhanteras puja muhurat

Numerous astrologers have provided forecasts for the auspicious time of Dhanteras puja in 2023, adhering to established practices. The recommended period is set to commence at 12:35 pm on November 10 and extend until 7:43 pm on the same day. This festive occasion coincides with Trayodashi Tithi, marking the thirteenth day of the bright half of the Kartik month.

DAY 2- Chhoti Diwali 2023 auspicious timing

In the current year, owing to differences in the lunar calendar, Narak Chaturdashi and Diwali are slated to coincide on the same day, namely Sunday, November 12, 2023. As per Drik Panchang, the Chaturdashi Tithi is set to commence at 13:57 PM on November 11 and conclude at 14:44 PM on November 12.


According to the Drik Panchang, the auspicious time for performing Lakshmi Puja on Diwali is scheduled from 5:39 pm to 7:35 pm. Diwali, the main festive day, is when people engage in the worship of Goddess Lakshmi. The primary celebration of Diwali unfolds on this day.

***** City-wise Lakshmi puja Muhurat *****
New Delhi: 5:32 pm to 8:00 pm
Mumbai: 5:47 pm to 8:14 pm
Kolkata: 5:17 pm to 7:45 pm
Chennai: 5:52 pm to 8:08 pm
Bengaluru: 5:49 pm to 8:16 pm
Jaipur: 5:48 pm to 7:44 pm
Hyderabad: 5:52 pm to 7:53 pm

DAY 4- Govardhan Pooja

It is narrated that Lord Krishna saved the people of Mathura from the wrath of Lord Indra by lifting a mountain named "Govardhan." As per Drik Panchang, the auspicious Govardhan Puja muhurat is set to commence from 06:46 AM to 08:58 AM

DAY 5- Bhai Dooj

As per the Drik Panchang, the propitious Aparahna Time for Bhai Dooj on Tuesday, November 14, is expected to commence at 01:10 PM and conclude at 03:19 PM, spanning a duration of 2 hours and 9 minutes. Furthermore, the Dwitiya Tithi is slated to initiate at 02:36 PM on November 14 and conclude at 01:47 PM on November 15.


The text you provided offers a historical overview of the festival known as Diwali, also called Deepavali. Here's a summary:

Diwali is a five-day festival that originated in the Indian subcontinent. It is believed to be a fusion of ancient harvest festivals in India and is mentioned in early Sanskrit texts, including the Padma Purana and the Skanda Purana, completed in the second half of the 1st millennium CE. The festival is associated with lighting diyas (lamps), symbolizing parts of the sun and representing the cosmic giver of light and energy.

Emperor Harsha, in the 7th-century Sanskrit play Nagananda, referred to Diwali as Dīpapratipadotsava, where lamps were lit, and newly engaged couples received gifts. The 9th-century Kavyamimamsa by Rajasekhara mentioned the tradition of whitewashing homes and decorating them with oil lamps.

Travelers from outside India, including the Persian historian Al Biruni in the 11th century and the Venetian merchant Niccolò de' Conti in the 15th century, described the celebration of Diwali. The Portuguese traveler Domingo Paes in the 16th century wrote about Diwali celebrations in the Hindu Vijayanagara Empire.

Islamic historians during the Delhi Sultanate and Mughal Empire era, such as Akbar, participated in Diwali festivities, while others, like Aurangzeb, banned some Hindu festivals. British colonial-era publications, like Sir William Jones' note on Hindu festivals in 1799, also mentioned Diwali, describing it as a "great festival at night, in honor of Lakshmi, with illuminations on trees and houses."

In summary, Diwali has a rich historical and cultural significance, with mentions in ancient texts, plays, and accounts from travelers and historians over the centuries. It reflects the diversity of cultural practices and interactions in the Indian subcontinent.

The provided text gives a comprehensive overview of the religious significance and various traditions associated with Diwali, the festival of lights. Here are the key points:

Religious Significance:

1. Lakshmi Worship: Diwali is commonly celebrated in honor of Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity.

2. Ramayana Connection: Diwali is linked to the legends of the Hindu epic Ramayana, symbolizing the return of Rama, Sita, Lakshmana, and Hanuman to Ayodhya after 14 years in exile.

3. Krishna's Victory: In the Dvapara Yuga, Krishna defeated the demon Narakasura, and Diwali symbolizes the triumph of good over evil after this victory.

------------- Different Perspectives and Regional Variations -------------

1. Goddess Worship:

- Lakshmi: Associated with wealth and prosperity.

- Kali: Symbolizes victory of good over evil, particularly in eastern India.

- Saraswati and Kubera: Worshiped by trade and merchant families.

2. Regional Celebrations:

- In Gujarat and some northern communities, Diwali signifies the start of a new year.

- Different regions have their own specific traditions and stories associated with Diwali.

----------- Influence on Other Religions -----------

1. Jainism:

- Diwali in Jain tradition is celebrated as "Mahavira Nirvana Divas," marking the physical death and final nirvana of Mahavira.

2. Sikhism:

- Sikhs celebrate Bandi Chhor Divas, marking the release of Guru Hargobind from prison.

3. Buddhism:

- Diwali is not a festival for most Buddhists, except for the Newar people of Nepal who celebrate it by offering prayers to Lakshmi.

------------- Celebrations -------------

1. Preparation:

- Cleaning, renovating, and decorating homes and workplaces with lamps and colorful patterns (rangoli).

- Purchase of new clothes and festive items.

2. Days of Diwali:

- Dhanteras: Cleaning homes, lighting lamps, and purchasing new items.

- Naraka Chaturdashi: Celebrated with prayers, rituals, and sweets.

- Lakshmi Pujan: Main day with worship, lighting lamps, fireworks, and feasts.

- Govardhan Puja, Bhai Duj, and other rituals follow, celebrating sibling bonds and new beginnings.

------------------- Economic Impact -------------------
1. Shopping Festival:

- Diwali is a major shopping period comparable to Christmas, involving significant consumer purchases and economic activity.

- Purchases include clothing, home refurbishments, gifts, gold, and jewelry.

2. Festive Melas:

- Rural areas host fairs (melas) with local producers and artisans trading goods.

- Modern-day Diwali melas include music, dance, arts performances, food, and cultural celebrations.


Diwali holds deep religious and cultural significance, with diverse traditions and regional variations. It is a time for worship, family gatherings, feasts, and economic activities, marking the victory of light over darkness and good over evil.

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